Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 12/30/24

Year: 2024

Turkish Journal of Educational Studies (TURK-JES) is a peer-reviewed scientific academic journal that publishes original research articles and reviews in the field of education three times a year (January, May and October). The language of the journal is Turkish and English. The responsibility of the published articles belongs to the author (s). It is open to the writings of scientists from every institution and every nation. The journal implements a double-peer review process. The corrections requested by the referees and the editor in the submitted articles should be made within one month and the latest version of the article should be uploaded to the journal system. If the content and format of the articles submitted to the journal are not deemed appropriate, the journal editors and the editorial board may reject the publication.

Turkish Journal of Educational Studies (TURK-JES) is a scientific refereed journal published by Fırat University Institute of Educational Sciences, which publishes original research articles, essays / reviews and translations on the fields of theory and practice in education. The journal publishes theoretical or practical studies in the following areas: Educational administration, supervision; philosophy of education, history and policies of education; Psychological advice and guidance; early childhood or preschool education; special education; adult education; measurement and evaluation techniques used in education; educational technology; curriculum development and evaluation in education; science and mathematics education; fine arts education; physical education; social studies education; Turkish education; foreign language education and applied linguistics. The studies that are required to be published should be uploaded to the JournalPark system. Studies must be related to the field of education.


As part of the submission process, authors are required to follow the guidelines of Turkish Journal of Educational Studies (TURK-JES) and submissions will be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Ethics in Publishing
The studies published in this journal need to comply with national and international ethical rules and research and publication ethics. Therefore, ICMJE (International Committee of Medcial Journal ditors) recommendations and COPE's (Committee on Publication Ethics) "International Standards for Editors and Authors" should be taken into consideration by the authors and referees during the submission process. In this regard, authors, referees and editors must adhere to the following principles:

Scientific Research Ethics
Scientific methods should be used in obtaining and analyzing data and interpreting the results.
Results that are not scientific cannot be reported as research results.
It is required to adhere to national and international agreements and to obtain permission from the competent authorities.
The data obtained in the studies should be used to the extent and in the form allowed by the authorities. The data that should not be reported are required to remain confidential.
Researchers are required to report any adverse situations that may appear as a result of the research to the relevant individiuals and institutions.
Each researcher has the right not to participate in the research due to these adverse situations that may occur.
Article Submission
Submitting a manuscript to Turkish Journal of Educational Studies means that the submission is an original article that has not been previously published in any language (except for papers presented in a congress, symposium or electronic environment or preliminary studies) and has not been submitted to another journal for publication, and that the publication of the submission is approved by all authors.
This journal uses the Dergipark online article tracking system. Therefore, the authors must first register to the system by clicking the "register" page on the website https://dergipark.org.tr/ and then submit their submissions to the journal website (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/turkjes) as AUTHOR. The authors can upload their submissions to the system by following the required steps.
All scientific responsibility of the submissions belongs to the authors. The authors in the submissions should contribute to the study. The name order of the authors should be a joint decision. The names of all authors should be stated under the title of the article.
The Copyright Notice for the submissions should be accessed on the journal web page, filled and signed by the author/authors, and submitted to the journal editor. The journal does not accept any legal responsibility for any inaccuracies, deficiencies and claims that may arise from the information published in our journal. Corresponding author accepts the accuracy of all information about the article and all authors agree on this information. The article will be reviewed by at least two referees and, if required, feedback will be provided to the authors for revisions.

This journal has adopted a double blind reviewing policy. Therefore, authors should remove all identifying features from the submission. They are required to submit an article text that does not include any information allowing readers to identify the author, and a separate title page containing the title, authors' names, affiliations, acknowledgements. Authors should ensure that no author's name appears in the main text, in-text citations, reference list, or any running header.

Title and Author Information
Page Layout: The paper should be typed on A4 size paper wirh 2.5 cm margins on left and right and top and bottom. There is no page or word limit for Manuscripts submitted at Turkish Journal of Educational Studies. However, the editorial board or scientific board may take a decision that the paper can be shortened without losing its quality and originality.

Font: Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman, font size 12 pt for main headings and 11 pt for the text, 1.5-line spacing and right aligned.
The title should be written in 14 pt., in sentence order, with capital letters and centered. The journal publishes in English and Turkish. All articles must be submitted online. Turkish and English abstracts should be included in each paper. The English title should be included under the Turkish title in articles written in Turkish, and the Turkish title should be included under the English title for the articles written in English.

The name and surname of the author(s) should be written in 10 pt, surname in capital letters and centered. The names of the auhors should be written respectively with regard to their contribution to the study. The academic titles, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of the author (s) should be indicated with (*) and should be included in the footnote below the first page of the article.
If the study was presented as a paper in any scientific event, the title, place and date of the activity should be indicated under the first page of the article by placing an asterisk (*) in the title of the article. If the study is supported by any research institution or fund, an asteriks (*) should be placed in the title of the article and the name of the organization providing the support, the project number and the date of completion should be indicated at the bottom of the first page. If the study was given as a master’s or doctoral thesis, the title of the thesis, the name of the supervisor and the date of completion should be indicated at the bottom of the first page by placing an asteriks (*) in the title of the article. All information in footnotes should be 9 pt.

All manuscripts must have the following main headings:

The abstract should be written in one column and justified, with 10 font size and not exceeding 200 words. References should not be provided in Abstract. There should be 3-5 keywords describing the study in the language the manuscript was written.

Main section titles in the studies should be centered and written in 12 pt. and capital letters (main headings should not be bold). Sub-section titles (second level titles) should be left justified, first letters capitalized, 12 pt. Third-level headings should be left justified, 12 font size, bold, italic and only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized.
Paragraphs in the text should consist of at least three sentences with single-line spacing.
The main sections should be as follows:
1. INTRODUCTION: The authors should provide detailed information with regard to foundatipns of the research, the sections of the study, related studies in literature, the significance of the study, the research problem(s) and objectives in the introduction part.
- Population and Sample / Study Group / Participants / Subjects (only one of them)
- Data Collection Methods/Techniques/Tools
- Data Analysis, if required details of the ethics committee approval should be given.
TURK-JES follows the APA style of formatting. All in-text citations and references section need to be conform to American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Edition
Times New Roman should be used and the line spacing should be 3 pt. The indents should be adjusted under the 4th letter.
In submissions written in Turkish, Turkish Language Association’s dictionaries and spelling guide should be taken into consideration and Turkish words should be used as much as possible.
Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestions can be presented in a single section or given separately by the authors.
Tables and Figures
The format in the template should be used for table and figure title and text properties.
A-single-line spacing are used before and after the tables and figures.
Table titles and text should be in 10 pt.
Table and table number should be in Bold. Ex. Table 1. Table Header
If the figure is in a graphic or editable format, the title and inserts should be in 10 pt.
Figure and figure number should be in Bold. Ex. Figure 1. Figure Header
American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Edition should be used.
The submissions should include an extended abstract of 600-750 words after References section. The extended abstract should be in English when the submission is Turkish, or vice versa. Extended abstract should be in Times New Roman, 10 pt and 1.5-line spacing. This summary should not contain sections (for example, INTRODUCTION) and should be of the required length in a single column.
Authors can download the electronic print (PDF) of the article free of charge on the journal system. In addition, a printed journal will be sent to them. Turkish Journal of Educational Studies is an online open-acccess journal, additinional printed journals will not be sent.
Tuncay Yavuz ÖZDEMİR, PhD (Editor)

Fırat University, Institute of Educational Sciences,,
Elazig, Turkey
Phone: +90 (424) 237 00 86 / 4863
Fax : +90 (424) 237 00 87
E-mail: tyozdemir@firat.edu.tr

Dear Authors,

The Turkish Journal of Educational Studies (TURK-JES) adopts the guidelines of The Council of Higher Education (Turkey) - Instructions for Scientific Research and Publication Ethics.
TURK-JES authors are required to confirm the following items.:
• Submitted articles must be the original study of the author(s).
• Only unpublished articles should be submitted.
• Submitting an article to more than one journal at the same time is unethical.
• Any conflict of interest should be clearly stated.
• Data sources used in the article should be explained.
• Any errors detected after the article is submitted should be reported to TURK-JES editors immediately.
TURK-JES referees are required to confirm the following items:
• All articles should be reviewed in a fair way on the basis of the intellectual content of the article, regardless of the gender, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality or political values of the author(s).
• Reviews should be objective and constructive, avoiding being hostile or provocative and making libelous or offensive comments.
• In order to make a comprehensive review, the authors should have required field expertise and should only review articles that can be evaluated on time.
• Any conflict of interest detected during the review process must be reported to TURK-JES editors.
• All information about the article should be kept confidential.
• Information obtained during the review process should not be used for the benefit of the referees themselves or any other person, the organization, or to put others at a disadvantage position or to discredit them.
• Any information that may be the reason for the rejection of the publication of an article should be reported to TURK-JES editors.
TURK-JES editors are required to confirm the following items:
• All articles should be evaluated in a fair way on the basis of the intellectual content of the article, regardless of the gender, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality or political values of the author(s).
• All information about the article should be kept confidential.
• Any observed conflict of interest with the articles should be disclosed.
• The editorial board take on the responsibility to make the publication decisions of the submitted articles based on the referee's reviews, the policies of the journal's editorial board, and legal restrictions against plagiarism, defamation and scopyright.

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